Hallowe’en Witch Walk

We had great fun on our Hallowe’en Witch Walk.


Maths Week

We took part in lots of activities for Maths Week. We played some Maths addition and subtraction games using dice in pairs. We played bingo and number sense bingo where the numbers were represented in lots of different ways. We estimated and counted the number of smarties in a box and made a graph to represent our findings. We competed a ‘Me in Numbers’ fact file. We made Hallowe’en shape pictures. We used our Maths eyes to look for Maths in our environment. Most importantly we had lots of fun!

A Special Visitor

We had a very special visitor all the way from the North Pole. He told us he has his bags of toys ready and that he’d  heard wonderful things about all the boys in Prefab 9.

Christmas Activities and Santa Visit

Exciting visitors

We have been so lucky to have two exciting visitors to our room! We built bridges using potatoes with engineer Max and had storyteller Seosamh in to read a very funny book!

Carol Service

The boys worked so hard practicing for their carol service. On the day they sang beautifully and looked like angels all dressed up!

Santa’s Visit to Room 7

The boys really enjoyed meeting and chatting to Santa! They asked lots of questions and promised they would all be really good over the next few days.

Santa visit to Prefab 12!

Santa Visit

We were full of excitement when a special visitor came to our classroom. We couldn’t believe it was Santa Claus who came all the way from the North Pole to see us!

Cabra Library Creative Hub

We walked to Cabra Library to participate in the interactive story telling workshop called “Dilly Dally Tortoise and Hurried Hare”. It was so much fun!