Designing Football Games ⚽️

As part of our SESE we have been learning and looking at different sports and hobbies. The boys worked in pairs to come up with their own football game that they could play. Everyone got very creative with the different materials they could use. They had a lot of fun playing against each other when their game was ready!

Printing Igloos for our Arctic theme!


This week we learned all about the penguins living in Antarctica. We painted our own penguins using short brush strokes to create a feathered look.

Fun with 3D shapes!

The Blue Whale

For the month of January we are learning about Antarctica. We are learning about its climate and the animals that live there. This week we focused on the blue whale. We  painted our own blue whales and wrote about them.

Making 3D Shapes out of Playdough

All I want for Christmas is …

Festive Fun

A fun trip for Prefab 12!

Oh Christmas Tree, Ohh Christmas Tree!