The School Yard
Traffic is not allowed in the school yard during school hours. This includes bicycles and scooters. We would ask all users to dismount and walk through the yard areas (including those of the other schools on campus). Please heed notices and markings in the vicinity of the school entrance. These are for the safety of all the children on campus.
We also ask that you do not bring dogs into the school yards.
Illness in School
Although we do the best we can there is no comfortable quiet place for children to rest in school. In cases where we suspect illness parents are contacted by telephone.
Administration of Medicines
Medicines are not administered in school except in chronic circumstances. Permission must be given by the Board of Management and an indemnity form completed and signed by the parent/guardian. Please do not put medicines in your son’s schoolbag as this poses a health and safety risk to all pupils.
Health Board Visits
The school is requested to supply names and addresses of pupils to the Northern Area Health Board each year. This is to facilitate the Health Board which uses the school premises for immunisation, hearing and sight tests. The Health Board liaises directly with parents with regard to these visits.