Haunted House

We constructed  haunted houses out of boxes, card and paper. They were terrifyingly good.


We made spooky pumpkins out of coloured card. We think they’re spooktacular!

Maths Week

We have been very busy in Prefab 9 for Maths Week 2024. We played some number games with cubes, a dice game called sinking ships, did a number trail in the yard, played a number game called driving cars for PE, played bingo and also estimated and recorded with skittles. We’ve had a great week learning how maths can be fun inside and outside of the classroom.

Picasso Inspired Art

Huge effort went into our Picasso inspired Frankenstein pictures. We used the style of cubism often used by Picasso to create our beautiful creations.

Autumn Walk

As our topic of the month is autumn, we decided to take an autumn walk to the Phoenix Park. We kept an eye out for all the signs of autumn all around us. We noticed the different coloured leaves on the ground , fallen conkers , deciduous trees with bare branches and evergreen trees still full of leaves.

Autumn Trees

We printed autumn trees using corks and lots of autumnal colours. Then we wrote about all the signs of autumn around us.


We had great fun making shapes with our bodies and mirroring our partners moves.

Lego Challenge

On Friday afternoons as a reward for all our hard work during the week we have Lego challenge activities. The boys work in groups to make wonderful Lego creations.

Daily Mile

We are working on our fitness in Prefab 9. Everyday we run laps of the yard. We started running one lap and we are currently able to run 5 laps. We hope to be able to run a mile very shortly. All our training is paying off and we feel not only fitter but stronger and healthier.

Nocturnal Animals

We are learning about nocturnal animals and have completed fact files on bats, hedgehogs and owls. We made beautiful owls using textured paper, feathers and card.