This week we were working on weight in Maths. We spent some time using bucket balances and we used the words heavy, light, heavier and lighter.
Maths in Room 7
Science Week
It was Science Week this week so we did some experiments in Room 7. We became scientists and made predictions, asked questions and observed the results. We put gummy bears in different liquids to see what happened, we did a fun experiment with Skittles and hot and cold water, we put celery into water with red food colouring and raisins into soda water.
Literacy stations in Room 7
We are working hard during our Literacy Stations. We are working on our pre-writing skills, our fine motor skills, our listening skills and our phonological awareness skills. We rotate our activities. The boys are doing very well learning to work independently for some of their activities and for some of their activities and games they work with a teacher. Well done boys!