

Bhí ceolchoirm ar siúl sa halla inniu. Féach ar na buachaillí, rinne siad jab iontach! Maith sibh!

Jam making

To celebrate the last day of Junior Infants and our efforts in our garden, we made strawberry jam together. It was so much fun!

Junior Infants Teddy Bear Picnic

We had such a great day on our Teddy Bear Picnic with all the Junior Infant Classes and Prefab 12! What a great end to the year!

Fighting Words Workshop

Staying Active: Sports Day and Fitter Younger Marathon!

School Tour Redmountain Open Farm

School Tour

Room 1 School Tour

The boys had an amazing day at Red Mountain Open Farm. They got on the bus, sang all the way to the farm and had so much fun. We were so proud of them; they were kind, patient, gentle with the animals and as always, fantastic friends to one another.




Blooming in First Class

We are zooming out of Junior Infants ⭐️