World Book Day 2020 Room 6

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Making Sock Puppets in Room 4

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World Book Day

We ‘shared a story’ to celebrate World Book Day in room 4. We enjoyed sharing our favourite stories with our classmates.

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Spring Art

Spring Art


The boys made lambs from paper plates and cotton wool.

They also got to learn about the French artist George Seurat. He used a type of painting known as pointillism in his work. The boys copied this by using cotton buds and doing ‘dotty’ painting on their butterflies.




The boys made some beautiful cherry tree blossoms from crêpe paper.

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Starry Night

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Spring lambs

We used bubble wrap to make Spring lambs! The boys all did a great job adding spring flowers and other details to their pictures.

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To celebrate Shrove Tuesday we had a pancake party with a pancake making demonstration from two Transition year students. The boys really enjoyed their pancakes!

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Scientists in the making

Today we conducted the Skittles experiment. We noticed that Skittles creates a rainbow of colours that do not mix when hot water is poured over them. The really interesting part was when we found out that cold water makes them mix. We were so amazed!


Hot Water & Skittles

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Cold Water & Skittles

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Pancake Party!

To celebrate Pancake Tuesday, we created our perfect pancakes and had a little pancake party. We promise they were delicious!

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Spring has Sprung in Room 1

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