World Book Day! Gruffalo Cakes & A Bear Hunt!

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Pancake Tuesday!

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Under Construction! Building our IKEA furniture!

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Learning to Drum!

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Active Home Week

Well Done to all the boys in Ms Marica’s class for their participation in Active Home Week. They were active every day with their families for 60 minutes or more, and drew lovely pictures of their Active Home Week.

Ms Marica is proud of you all!

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Today we had a Céilí with Ms Roche’s Senior Infants to celebrate Seachtain na Gaeilge.

Bhí sé go hiontach! 💚☘

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Visit to an Artist

Today the boys visited the local library where a local artist, Margaret Farrell was showcasing her art. The boys were amazed by her work and inspired to transcribe a bit of her passion in the classroom.

We loved choosing our favourite pieces from her work, and Margaret showed us how an artist imagines and creates the art imagined in their heads.

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Engineering Week 2020

We enjoyed celebrating Engineering Week last week.

Our favourite activity was constructing a bridge out of paper, paper clips and tape; that would hold up an orange. We loved working in a team and using a budget of paper and tape, as well as predicting whether our bridge would hold or not.

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How to Catch a Leprechaun

Have you ever wondered how to catch a leprechaun? The boys in first class will tell you how!

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The boys studied procedural writing to create this text.