Working hard at home!

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Lots of great work at home!

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Artists in Prefab 9!

Some memories from our first few days in Prefab 9!

Exploring my Locality!

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Rhyme Time!


Making a Balloon Powered Car

The boys really enjoyed making a balloon powered car for STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths.)  First, we talked about what we can do to be more environmentally friendly. We discussed renewable and non-renewable sources of energy. The boys wondered what we could do when sources of non-renewable energy run out. We decided it was best to become an engineer for the day and design our own balloon powered car!  They engaged very well with the STEM process by discussing, planning, designing, creating and testing their own cars!


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Drumming Workshop

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Using Microscopes

The boys enjoyed getting to use a microscope and microscope slides.

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1st Class Art Fun

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