STEM Thursday

One of our favourite things in Room 1 is Maths! And what better way to celebrate Maths but with STEM Thursdays!💡

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Librarians visit

We had a visit from two librarians from Cabra Library today -Rachael and Veronica told the boys all about the library and encouraged them to visit and borrow books, DVD s etc -the boys were delighted with their book marks ! 20191010_132717

Ms. Murphy’s First Class are having lots of fun at GAA training with coach Mark from St. Oliver Plunkett

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Welcome to Our Patch


October has slowly creeped into our classroom! We have had so much fun creating our own scarecrows and pumpkins. And so we welcome you to our patch!


A special visitor


We have been busy talking about people who help us for the last few weeks -we invited Ms.McGoldrick to visit and we asked her some questions about her job – we were delighted to hear her say that the best part of her job is meeting & chatting to the boys every day

Whiteboard work in Prefab 9

Today we used small whiteboards to practise mark making and drawing. We sang the song ‘Mat man’ to help us to draw a person. The link for this song is  We also tried writing our sound for this week – s. The boys enjoyed using the whiteboards!

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GAA with Mark from St Oliver Plunkett Eoghan Ruadh GAA Club

We love GAA with Mark from St. Oliver Plunkett Eoghan Ruadh GAA Club !!

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This week in Prefab 9.


In Prefab 9 this week we are learning the sound ‘s’. The boys could look at home for things that begin with s. We have created an ‘s’ table in our classroom with items that begin with s.

We have also been spending more time on making sets and sorting and matching.



We are very lucky because a librarian is coming to visit our class this week. We have prepared some questions to ask her about her work.

We are learning ‘ag léamh, ag scríobh and ag gáire in Irish.

Could you send in a photo of your son when he was a baby (with his name written on the back) as we will be using this for our work on the theme ‘Myself’ in History. I will return these when we are finished using them.

Many thanks.

Basketball skills

Ms. Murphy’s First Class have been learning basketball skills in P.E. They learnt the chest pass, the bounce pass, dribbling skills and how to work as a team. Ms. Murphy thinks, there are some future basketball players in the class, the boys were excellent! 20190917_101506 20190917_101512(0) 20190917_102104 20190910_102018 20190910_102020 20190910_102510 20190917_101552 20190917_101558

Book reviews in First Class

Ms. Murphy’s First Class enjoyed the novel Esio Trot by Roald Dahl. Here are some of our book reviews.Book review 20190925_135303 20190925_135318 20190925_135207