European Sports Day 2019


On Fridays We Go on Adventures!

64B7CAEE-1324-4755-9688-F6416764DBF1 53922843-4CD9-40E8-B21F-89113D1ECA6B CEC2C99A-0213-45C4-A720-5CB559B5AA19 5333CAC0-D6E3-44EE-8F8E-95DD8643A3F3 43A8E1F6-8E41-4E5A-A96E-0B784AC5D8EA E5F4F750-7EDC-43AC-8976-7D1A70C5BCE6 7C26A8B1-F7D4-42A1-9A03-07FAA52F1FD6 679F932C-9269-4528-9544-FADAEEFB77E1 06A73932-4654-4A00-A4EF-AE27C650D975

Yellow Bird Up High in Banana Tree – We love music!

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September in Our Classroom!

B9CF5BF5-43E5-4D7D-9C7C-B1AF35F088D7 5457059F-277E-4F8B-9394-84C0381DF8A9 E3546ABB-15BE-42CD-9726-53A57ED13A42 B4B8317C-BBB0-4384-9460-ED521B19473E 8954FFCB-172B-4290-8D4A-B2895FBB63F7 75D33B87-51B0-4946-AC66-81B55829AEFA A7C2B8E1-13A6-4F49-BB93-49C293CC9E06 25E070BD-2370-4FD7-BC43-0205D058F26A 8B22893B-CD6B-468C-92DE-CD68EED4BCD4 A1DF4796-E785-4D8D-97F0-E1B97A490C9B 480B6187-CC4D-4547-9FFE-765EBF1F2604

Maths Week 2019

As part of Maths Week, the boys will be given lots of different Maths challenges and activities to do.
Today, they had to estimate how many pom-poms were in the jar. Then we counted them!


There were 137 pom-poms in the jar. Aaron’s guess was closest. He guessed that there were 107 pom poms in the jar. He got to take a prize from the prize box!



The boys have also been doing Maths challenge where they are given a worksheet with addition. The activity is timed. Lots of boys were beating their time from the day before.


The boys looked at work by a famous artist called Wassily Kadinsky on Tuesday. Then they drew and painted circles, just like his!



The boys did a Maths trail on Wednesday. They got to estimate, count, add, measure and draw lots of different shapes in our playground.


On Thursday, the boys looked at how school life was different in the past in comparison to what it is like now. They got to look at Venn diagrams and sort the pictures out.



On Friday, the boys enjoyed making rice crispy buns after all of their hard work during the week!




Space Week 2019

The boys have been learning all about space for the past few days. Space week is held between 4th and 10th October.


They learnt about Neil Armstrong.


They made a list of 10 things that they would take to space in their rocket.


The boys got to make constellations using play dough and toothpicks.


The boys wrote about what they did in their copies and created and named their own constellations.





Things got batty in Room 1 as we created our very own flying bats. How cool are our galaxy skies? We loved blending colours and putting our cutting skills to great use!

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Best Line of the Week!

Best News of the day: Ms Marica’s First Class won the Best Line of the Week! And we were the first class to win it this school year! Here’s two pictures of all our proud faces and of course, our trophy!

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Mr. Men in Room 6

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PE in the school hall Room 6

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