Football in the hall
Line of the Week Winners!
The Sam Maguire Visits Prefab 11!
Maths Week
This week we celebrated Maths Week in school. We love Maths and this week has definitely been one of our favourites!
We began each morning with Numeracy and Maths Morning Activities, counting, sharing and learning great manners like taking turns!
We toke part in a Maths Trail and learned a lot of new things about our school.
Bingo was our favourite game of the week, and we got to practice our numbers 0-100. There’s always so many opportunities for learning!
We integrated our Nature Table into Maths Week, counting conkers, leaves, corn and pumpkins! How many conkers can you see?
And… the best part of all.. our class won ‘Guess the Jellies in the Jar’ Challenge! The boys went home with happy smiles and full tummies!