Christmas is a Month Away!

We are so excited that there are 29 more sleeps til Christmas! Confession: Maybe teacher is more excited than the boys if not equally excited! Can you see our excitement through our decorations? Don’t worry, there’s more where that came from❤☃️❄

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It’s about Time!

We’ve spent the last week learning about Time and today we decided it’s about time to be more creative; and creating our own personal clocks was definitely worth our time!


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P-P-P Pick Up a Penguin!

The boys created these beautiful penguins last week. Don’t they look SO cool?!





Friendliest Line of the Week!

Today we won the Line of the Week for the second time! We aren’t just friends, we’re a family ❤

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Friendship pictures

We enjoyed making our friendship pictures! All the boys worked very hard on their lovely pictures showing good friends having fun together.

B60B6986-8ED9-4B4F-B054-705A74C5FF47 BF62A1B3-3A68-4B80-9032-71FFF06B0911 41C2E427-90DA-4299-BDA2-395930D31331 41394D71-0C50-4452-8DEA-749A679BE7AF 25A2ED07-53FB-437A-8AC4-CFC2366DF943 26264329-1CE4-467D-9C5A-49E8D518B424 F16F1466-0A21-490E-B137-670831A749308E3D699B-49E7-4162-8998-B2109BEFA3A8 B4B41BA4-119F-43B4-9171-41E8E43C89FF AF5F9D89-271D-408A-BBCB-7EE3C8C3129DD0A97FEB-466C-4B2F-87FD-0F2257835918 D8B34D58-2320-41C3-81BB-45794FE1EE9F826327C2-345D-4990-81E7-CC899027AD2E

Literacy stations

We had fun today doing Literacy stations. The boys moved around the room doing various games that will help with their literacy skills. We had a Tricky Word matching game, jigsaws and writing skills on our small whiteboards. We also revised the sounds s,a,t,i,p and n in small groups with teacher. Please continue to revise these at home. The boys should know the name of each letter, the sound it makes and two words that start with each letter. The boys also used the website ‘’ to learn about letters and the sound they make.

657AD20C-B83C-4AB3-9371-888B385CEDEE 62942AF7-9136-44B6-B416-3B5E5CD0D8CC C262E54C-33EB-49BD-B503-1865E405C4C6 4E7025E3-E03F-4007-AC20-F8C0525EFF27 3B190BA5-BC1F-4576-A013-32C9145BC993 3C44C9A5-AFDC-484F-9017-BD9B4D8D4E61 775987BD-1585-44FA-AC31-CE66C82ED455 90B3DC36-44C2-4574-8E77-D9F0624C5805 2EB653A0-69A0-4E0E-AF72-BD5046BCB2C0



Pizza Party

We celebrated the end of Friendship Fortnight with a fun Pizza Party! Well done to the boys on being extra kind to each other and for also filling up our kindness jar with glitter! Glitter was added to the jar each time the boys were kind to each other.

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Line of the week superstars Room 6

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We have lots of friends in Room 6

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Friendship fortnight Playground Pals in room 6

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