Christmas in St John Bosco JBS

We had such a fun Christmas filled day today!

We wore our Christmas jumpers, sang Christmas carols with the local garda band and had a surprise visit from Santa and his gift bearing elves. Can you see our smiles from ear to ear?

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Christmas jumpers and cracker hunt!

We had good fun today wearing our Christmas jumpers and we also had a Christmas cracker hunt in the classroom. The boys had to find a cracker hidden in the classroom with their name on it. Also, the Garda band visited us to play Christmas songs which was great fun. While they were here we had a surprise visit from Santa Claus!

8EB2E3F7-E14F-4561-9D77-6C8193DDB7CA 8B1B852D-24DC-4676-8F8A-6B6CE8BC0FFA ABE896CC-4436-4ADA-9496-51705CFBDE3C

FBFA8BE3-CB07-4ED8-B14F-785517AB277D E8F48BB8-91CE-4B57-AD22-2D34CA7D2C0E 64274BEC-8688-45D7-98B3-6828A6C5853B 648CE30F-BE6B-4E05-BE27-0A06B0AD0B19 223862F7-3FD6-4E4A-AEAC-5A4AFAED67BE 3B8C2962-A481-4C9D-9E00-362FAF05C164E776F8FA-C052-4252-AA51-6DE8E42A85F0 3CF50FB7-CD24-48A7-86EF-4864FFF1C4F7 029906DE-0D7D-4F7D-8682-98FD94F0040C A486F2F3-3073-4E36-9F26-D6A83F02C2AA 3655C68B-CD54-4A9B-84E3-61EC189FBE5F E151F52B-AAA5-45B7-AFF3-569C2453EC01 DCAF99B7-018B-485B-926F-7BE85FC9836805F971EB-953C-4596-94E8-5658828BC30D 2EF33C5E-4B6A-4C2A-A4D5-2904D071050A 964D3FB3-C190-42D5-852E-AC050BE6598D D335FAAD-AB68-4528-BF36-0E5B4487B754

Future Artists

Yesterday we had a very special visit from a very successful artist who is also a past student. He had a lovely chat with the boys and we discussed his amazing paintings.

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He displayed a collection of his work in our school yard called ‘Dhá Mhilseáin’ and we loved it! His work can be seen in the Draíocht in Blanchardstown where he is the artist in residence.

Hey Ewe!

Today we had our Christmas play and the boys were wonderful! We loved narrating the nativity story through song singing!

Here are a few pictures of us practicing❄

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Inspired by Elfie (Our Elf on the shelf) the boys constructed Christmas trees, fantastic job boys!

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Practising our oral language skills in English and Gaeilge

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The Clock

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Christmas in prefab 8

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Christmas STEM


We’ve really enjoyed our Christmas STEM activities from creating snowflakes out of lollipops and buttons, Christmas trees out of plastic cups, chimneys out of building blocks and paper chains using the candy cane design. It’s been so fun working as a team too! 20191211_090912 20191211_135335 20191211_091208 20191211_090656 20191211_135400 20191211_135259 20191211_135306 20191211_135404 20191211_135301 20191211_091434 20191209_090804 20191209_090726 20191209_090207 20191209_090147

Christmas Post!

8BFF4525-44AB-4F2C-AA1E-3C165E42F181 61FECE9E-132E-4327-B968-0A08A26519D9 1E60A68A-7085-490B-9C2A-7F337872ACE4 23FD1D06-A740-4C40-BA84-ACD4F61768B5 C01DB87C-87FB-4AB9-82E8-1FB03BEDFE31 B0C01548-9BC0-47DC-BA8B-38D03ADBC58C