Pancake Party!

To celebrate Pancake Tuesday, we created our perfect pancakes and had a little pancake party. We promise they were delicious!

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Spring has Sprung in Room 1

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Love You to the Moon and Back!

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Love You to Pieces!

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Garda trainees

This week we had a lovely visit from our local Garda Síochána. We loved hearing about their job and some of us had great fun dressing up as one. We definitely have garda in our list of jobs some of us would like to pursue.

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Back into GAA

We were so happy today when we got to practice our GAA skills with Mark again. We had so much fun,  and laughed, a lot.

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Last week we finished our first ever project in First Class on the Titanic. We gathered information, designed our Titanic ships and showed our projects to the other classes!

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Drumming through First Class

Today we had a music workshop with Drum Nature. We created poly rhythms and new patterns. Can you see how much fun we had through our pictures?

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Exploring the South Pole

This week we joined the ranks of Captain Scott and Irish explorer Tom Crean as we explored the South Pole with all it’s icy splendour and beauty. We learned about all the animals and plants that are able to live there and we had a whale lot of fun!

Here are a few recreations of our favourite polar animals!

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Hey Ewe!

The first class teachers are very proud of the first class boy’s amazing performance of Hey Ewe!20191217_112810 20191217_114905 20191217_114832 20191217_114518 20191217_114819 20191217_114513 20191217_114712 20191217_114506 20191217_114701 20191217_114924 20191217_114917 20191217_114914 20191217_114905 20191217_114832 20191217_114518 20191217_114819 20191217_114712 20191217_115158 20191217_115148 20191217_115533 20191217_115530 20191217_115524 20191217_115017 20191217_115452 20191217_115011 20191217_115448 20191217_115439 20191217_115429 20191217_114914 20191217_115320 20191217_115252