Ag Ullmhú an Crann Nollaig

Bhí na buachaillí ag éisteacht agus ag maisiú an Crann Nollaig.

  1. Cuir réalta ag barr an crann Nollaig.
  2. Cuir dath buí ar an réalta.
  3. Cuir fiche soilse ar an gcrann Nollaig.
  4. Cuir dath gorm, dearg agus oráiste ar na soilse.
  5. Cuir aingeal i lar an crann Nollaig.

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Letters to Santa

The boys have been busy writing letters to Santa! They wrote to tell him that they have been very good all year. They promised they’d leave out cookies and milk for Santa and a carrot for Rudolf when he visits!



Hallowe’en Fun!


The boys made these witches using newspaper for the face, wool and coloured paper for hair and a green card for a pointy nose!


The boys looked at a supermarket catalogue and cut and pasted sweets into their own trick-or-treat bags.


The boys went on a Witch Walk along the Navan Road. They enjoyed getting some fresh air as well as looking at the houses that were decorated with spooky ghosts and and pumpkins!


Our scary shape monsters!


Teddy Bear’s Picnic

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Last Day of First Class!


Teddy Bear Picnic

We celebrated our last day of First Class going on a teddy bear picnic. We had so much fun!

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Phoenix Park Scavenger Hunt

How many places have you visited in the Phoenix Park?

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Exploring the Local Park

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Our Graduation Day

Today is our Graduation Day! We will cherish all our wonderful memories made in St John Bosco JBS and look forward to all the wonderful adventures that await us in the Senior School!

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A picnic at the Papal Cross!

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