Graffiti Classics

First Class boys enjoying the string quartet

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The boys made their own buildings and put them together to make small towns.

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PE – Dance

The boys worked on their balance as they did the Walk Around Ireland dance.

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Chinese New Year

We learned about the Chinese New Year on 5th February. 2019 is the year of the Pig .

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Drum Nature

We made a wonderful racket on Tuesday at the Drum Nature Workshop with Neil.
We learned about many different drum and percussion instruments from around the world, like the djembe, the tubano, the agogo and the bongo drum.
We really enjoyed echoing and composing our own rhythms.
It was a complete musical experience!
Thank you to Neil from Drum Nature.
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Drum Workshop

Room 5 had lots of fun at the drum workshop!
We played lots of different rhythms using the drums & different instruments.

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Drums, Drums, Drums

We had fun and learned about rhythm on percussion instruments.
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GAA in Room 6

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Drumming Workshop

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Drumming in Prefab 8

We really enjoyed the drumming workshop today.

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