PE in Room 6!

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Maths Fun In Room 6!

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Maths activities

Today we did Maths stations in Prefab 9! The boys spent 10 minutes at each station doing various maths activities. They made patterns with beads, patterns on peg boards, played a dice game with cubes, made maths jigsaws and played a counting game on the interactive whiteboard. The boys had great fun doing these hands on activities. 
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Fun in Room 3

The boys in Room 3 have worked very hard since starting back after the summer holidays .. it’s hard to believe it’s October already – we are learning lots of new things in our class and settling into a lovely routine –  a big welcome to Aaron who joined our class last week – the boys are delighted to have you join our class.  We hope you will be very happy in our lovely classroom.

We started Aistear this week – (boys are learning through play )our theme for October is The Vet – the  boys are very busy and loving acting out in the vetinerary surgery ,building and playing with the farm and farm animals – they are also enjoying making animals using junk material.

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Mother Nature, Did you Sneeze?

We have really enjoyed falling into learning this September! We’ve learned that during Autumn, leaves change colour and fall, animals hibernate, fruit and vegetables are harvested and birds migrate to warmer countries.

We also read the poem ‘Mother Nature, Did you Sneeze?’ by Pat Cook and painted our very own Autumn trees using our handprints, paint and cotton buds. Here is a little peak at some of the masterpieces!




Mini Sports Day, Fun Day!

We had so much fun today during our Mini Sports Day! The weather was good to us in the morning! We enjoyed activities such as Egg and Spoon Race, Bastketball, Football, Hula Hoop games, Skipping, Hurdles and Parachute games. What a great way to start the week!


European Sports Day

We had great fun taking part in European Sports Day 20190930_100517 IMG_3536 20190930_100423 IMG_3533 IMG_3561 IMG_3543 20190930_093937 20190930_100522 IMG_3504 IMG_3537 IMG_3512 20190930_094400 20190930_101034 IMG_3525 IMG_3545 IMG_3527 IMG_3513 IMG_3509 IMG_3560 20190930_100040 IMG_3500 20190930_100017 IMG_3549 20190930_100108 20190930_100102 20190930_101349 IMG_3507 20190930_100411 IMG_3505 IMG_3516 20190930_101120 IMG_3547

Extra time for fun in the yard for European Sports Day

We had some extra yard time to celebrate European Sports Day. We played the game ‘Shopkeeper, shopkeeper’ and had fun doing other exercises too.



Aistear in Prefab 9


Our theme for Aistear this month is ‘Myself and My Family’. We will be having lots of fun this month role playing in the home corner, playing with toy houses for our Small World activities and designing and building houses with various types of blocks. For our Creative/Junk Ark work it would be great if the boys could bring in some empty cardboard boxes from home e.g cereal boxes or shoe boxes as we will be using these to make houses.

This week the boys will visit the school library. They will choose a book to bring home and enjoy reading with their family. Please mind this book carefully and keep it in your son’s school bag as we will change these books every week. These books can be read to the boys purely for enjoyment.

Thank you.

Mornings start with Friendship!

We start every morning learning Friendship, Teamwork, Turn-Taking and Kindness! Sharing is caring and we are champions!IMG-20190927-WA0010IMG-20190927-WA0009IMG-20190927-WA0007IMG-20190927-WA0008IMG-20190927-WA0006