We are learning about weather in SESE this month. We had fun making umbrella pictures using blue paint for the raindrops!
Rain, rain go away!
Magic of Music
Exploring the South Pole
This week we joined the ranks of Captain Scott and Irish explorer Tom Crean as we explored the South Pole with all it’s icy splendour and beauty. We learned about all the animals and plants that are able to live there and we had a whale lot of fun!
Here are a few recreations of our favourite polar animals!
Hey Ewe!
Christmas fun
Christmas Crackers Hunt
Christmas in St John Bosco JBS
Christmas jumpers and cracker hunt!
We had good fun today wearing our Christmas jumpers and we also had a Christmas cracker hunt in the classroom. The boys had to find a cracker hidden in the classroom with their name on it. Also, the Garda band visited us to play Christmas songs which was great fun. While they were here we had a surprise visit from Santa Claus!