Rain, rain go away!

We are learning about weather in SESE this month. We had fun making umbrella pictures using blue paint for the raindrops!

880A2D10-99EF-45C1-BF6E-A58F7E876BC3 AB67D193-9603-4829-913B-C7CB048D9B15 D4141E9D-B66C-42B4-8F34-F46CE161AC6D 9C5CFBED-FD29-4A9F-B029-DA0417F2FFB0 39B35E00-2BD4-4AB4-BFDA-31647E11F8D9 6C62C5F9-1D32-4B30-AFCD-87922918818FA6CAE202-C2C7-424B-95EF-4B0D771C4988 C6449B0A-40BA-4CF9-8CDA-2E008C0C34F5 FD4FE2CA-027D-40DB-A296-0068E4572DCF 3A72E1DE-66A1-48C9-AF46-C6090A0AF32B 8BA0DA8C-D6CF-41F0-BEDF-AD6636E24CF7 03CA3859-E4CF-4ADD-863E-04FE32CFA342127F652F-1EEF-436F-A6BA-5826E8E9F867 CC38DEAA-9246-4A2D-801C-63FB96CC331A 9E5202B9-2F9F-4615-9C16-555FAD7DD8BC 80660638-5B47-491C-AE11-0F2292C69B86 609393D4-A2D0-4EBC-A438-83243D292DE6 FA84D3D9-2B76-4183-9509-CFDE949283F5

Magic of Music

Senior Infant boys in room 4 had a great time exploring the ways they can make different sounds to make weather in the Magic of Music workshop.

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Exploring the South Pole

This week we joined the ranks of Captain Scott and Irish explorer Tom Crean as we explored the South Pole with all it’s icy splendour and beauty. We learned about all the animals and plants that are able to live there and we had a whale lot of fun!

Here are a few recreations of our favourite polar animals!

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Hey Ewe!

The first class teachers are very proud of the first class boy’s amazing performance of Hey Ewe!20191217_112810 20191217_114905 20191217_114832 20191217_114518 20191217_114819 20191217_114513 20191217_114712 20191217_114506 20191217_114701 20191217_114924 20191217_114917 20191217_114914 20191217_114905 20191217_114832 20191217_114518 20191217_114819 20191217_114712 20191217_115158 20191217_115148 20191217_115533 20191217_115530 20191217_115524 20191217_115017 20191217_115452 20191217_115011 20191217_115448 20191217_115439 20191217_115429 20191217_114914 20191217_115320 20191217_115252

Christmas party in Prefab 8

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Christmas fun

The Garda band came to our school to play Christmas songs, we had a great time singing along and dancing. To our surprise, Santa also arrived on the day. Our classroom Elf, Elfie left us chocolate lollies in the classroom,20191218_104503 20191218_104530 20191218_105211 20191218_105159 20191218_105134 20191218_132531 20191218_104534 20191218_132520 20191218_132509 from Santa to enjoy.

Visiting the Crib

DE23DE53-19D1-4303-93AA-EBAE341D375D 44D91E13-10FA-45F5-9C2A-0E35C0A0AAFD 33D91493-9A88-43DC-A440-DE9432141D80 D3DF2B6E-48E7-482B-A9CA-981DD6BD13E2 F7D504E9-6B16-4CBF-9AC5-6E74B80E19EA BBE19683-BC25-4656-A924-E20605F3B0D2

Christmas Crackers Hunt

Today Edward the Elf hid Christmas crackers around the classroom with the boys’ names on them.  The boys had great fun looking for their cracker and discovering their present.

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Christmas in St John Bosco JBS

We had such a fun Christmas filled day today!

We wore our Christmas jumpers, sang Christmas carols with the local garda band and had a surprise visit from Santa and his gift bearing elves. Can you see our smiles from ear to ear?

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Christmas jumpers and cracker hunt!

We had good fun today wearing our Christmas jumpers and we also had a Christmas cracker hunt in the classroom. The boys had to find a cracker hidden in the classroom with their name on it. Also, the Garda band visited us to play Christmas songs which was great fun. While they were here we had a surprise visit from Santa Claus!

8EB2E3F7-E14F-4561-9D77-6C8193DDB7CA 8B1B852D-24DC-4676-8F8A-6B6CE8BC0FFA ABE896CC-4436-4ADA-9496-51705CFBDE3C

FBFA8BE3-CB07-4ED8-B14F-785517AB277D E8F48BB8-91CE-4B57-AD22-2D34CA7D2C0E 64274BEC-8688-45D7-98B3-6828A6C5853B 648CE30F-BE6B-4E05-BE27-0A06B0AD0B19 223862F7-3FD6-4E4A-AEAC-5A4AFAED67BE 3B8C2962-A481-4C9D-9E00-362FAF05C164E776F8FA-C052-4252-AA51-6DE8E42A85F0 3CF50FB7-CD24-48A7-86EF-4864FFF1C4F7 029906DE-0D7D-4F7D-8682-98FD94F0040C A486F2F3-3073-4E36-9F26-D6A83F02C2AA 3655C68B-CD54-4A9B-84E3-61EC189FBE5F E151F52B-AAA5-45B7-AFF3-569C2453EC01 DCAF99B7-018B-485B-926F-7BE85FC9836805F971EB-953C-4596-94E8-5658828BC30D 2EF33C5E-4B6A-4C2A-A4D5-2904D071050A 964D3FB3-C190-42D5-852E-AC050BE6598D D335FAAD-AB68-4528-BF36-0E5B4487B754