Lots of lovely work and fun at home!

D2AA0FCD-907B-41F9-9683-F8FEDD98DCE3 F1BF11B1-8314-4CD9-AF52-6C4E828C96B8 61405411-79BB-4896-96D6-33453883759C ACB028ED-A10F-48F2-A6C4-F1233B6687A5 C8B72BAE-B7F8-456D-895C-490DDC6213D6 C663F36A-8678-4DBC-B53F-B940A329739A C794CA60-8E88-45F6-997F-A02A04373F5A CB365337-A6E7-474C-BCE2-B35C37948225 708215BF-8C12-42D9-BECA-3DC4F8C1D431 612B8A24-0410-4A3C-BFA7-CB44D9708D73 62E51D34-5F05-419A-89B8-0E38A98C2B00 7DC168AF-0A8B-48CA-9FC6-5E30D0FF131D 5C1D14A2-018B-4646-A4CB-AE53F68D00EA 3FC10AAD-D85E-4069-9231-D836860BD62B

We love the park

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Taking a well earned break from the scooter in the Phoenix Park!


Learning about Capacity at Home!

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Shredded Flower Bouquet

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My Lighthouse



Look at this lighthouse created from scratch by one of Ms Marica’s First Class boys. Isn’t it amazing?


Word Building with Scrabble!

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Finding new ways to learn Maths at home!

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Amazing Artists even at home

We have been keeping busy at home, especially when it comes to discovering our creative sides❤

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We’ve also been really active cycling and going on walks, and have been spending a lot of time with our families!

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The Very Hungry Caterpillar!!
