Fine Motor Skills

We had so much fun practicing our fine motor skills today. We started off with playdough disco, cut our rockets and finished off gluing crepe paper on our Autumn squirrels!

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Artist of the Week

Well done to our Artist of the Week Finn!



Busy morning activities

This week in Prefab 8 we have been very busy during our morning activities. We have learned to take turns when playing the Shopping List board game, sequence our nursery rhymes and we have spent lots of time practising our fine motor skills with peg board patterns, play dough, cutting and sticking, and scribble art.

Look at these busy bees 🐝

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Homes & Houses

This week we discussed our houses and how the people around us make it a home ❤

We built our houses and houses for our friends using lego bricks and soft blocks.

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Artist of the Week

Well done to Mikey, our Artist of the Week. He drew a seriously scary scarecrow!!

Fine motor work in Prefab 9

We are practicing our fine motor skills in prefab 9 and learning how to cut safely using scissors.

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Fun in Junior Infants

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We had a great first week in Junior Infants!


Our colourful corridor

The boys in Room 1 have worked hard to make our corridor bright and welcoming! We painted dots and not-a-dots. We made a class tree.

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Self Portrait Artist of the Week


Last week we spent lots of time looking at our beautiful faces in the mirror. We are all special and look different to our friends.

We created our own self portraits to show how different we all are.
Congratulations to Joshua who was our Artist of the Week last week. His self portrait is very recognisable! Well done Joshua!