Elves at work

The elves in Prefab 9 have been busy preparing for Christmas in Santa’s workshop in Aistear. 

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Winter Wonderland

The boys really enjoyed painting these beautiful winter landscapes. We were really impressed at how hard they worked and each picture was uniquely creative.

WhatsApp Image 2021-12-12 at 17.50.00

Aren’t our penguins tree-mendous?

The boys have been getting ready for Christmas in Room 1! Look at the fantastic penguin and Christmas tree art they made.

WhatsApp Image 2021-12-12 at 16.27.32    WhatsApp Image 2021-12-12 at 16.27.59    WhatsApp Image 2021-12-12 at 16.27.38

Gustav Klimt

In Room 1, we explored the art of Gustav Klimt. We talked about his life and we created a ‘Tree of Life’ inspired by the work of Klimt.


Shaping Up for Santa


Winter and Report Writing


It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas…

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Great excitement in Room 5 this week with the arrival of our Elf from the North Pole. He brought us an Advent Calender to celebrate the run up to Christmas together. We named our Elf, Jack. We also decorated our little Christmas tree. 🎄

Outdoor fun in Prefab 12


Posting our letters to Santa!

We wrote letters to Santa yesterday and then went to post them today. Lots of fun was had and Santa is sure to be very impressed with the letters he will receive!

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Great fun at Ship Shape!
