Orienteering fun!!

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Sports Day

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We love a good Obstacle Course!

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We love Karate❤

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We started Active School Week off with Taekwon-Do. It’s safe to say,  we love it!

Thank you Master Howard for the great lesson!

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Sponsored Walk

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Making Butter

Today we made butter out of double cream and a lot of shaking!!

We then enjoyed our fresh butter on crackers!

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What Time is it?

What better way to learn about time than by making your very own clock?

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Jungle Animals

We’ve been learning about jungle animals this month. Today,  we had so much fun creating our paper chain snakes!

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Fighting Words

Last week we took part in a workshop called ‘Fighting Words’.

We were joined on Zoom with a brilliant bunch of people and even an editor, who taught us how to write a story.

Together we created the start and middle of our story ‘Harry the Guinea Pig Cop’.

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Then, we created our own endings individually. Here are some of our funny endings:

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