Sensory Water Play

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Fitter Younger School Marathon Relay

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The Future looks so Bright! ⭐

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Today we talked about what we loved about the Junior School and what we are looking forward to in the near future. We talked about our dream jobs, what we love now and how that can change over time. We are so excited for our bright future!

Oh the places you will go!

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Fun in the Yard

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Room 4 Art displays

First Class have been learning about the work of Leonardo Da Vinci, the voyages of Christopher Columbus and we explored the techbique of blow art.

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Exploring Textiles

Making Teddy Bear clothes!
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Playground fun!

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Sports Day Fun Pre-Fab 12

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More photos of a great day- Lovely memories made !


Active break on a wet Friday !

IMG_3518 IMG_3520 IMG_3521 IMG_3522 IMG_3523 IMG_3524 IMG_3526 IMG_3527 IMG_3528 IMG_3529 Boys enjoying a movement break in Pre Fab 12 on a wet Friday!